Businesses are recently convinced that being inventive with new ideas, platforms or strategies, and to stand up for inspired creative beliefs, is most probably the riskiest attempt for businesses in South Africa with its downscaling economy. Accepting the norm and being part of mediocre surroundings is becoming a reality, putting the economy in a stagnant position not leaving any room for growth which were the fuel for creativity.

Creativity is rather redefined as an old or outdated business initiative with a new branded look due to specialised skills that had worked for ages and therefore don’t give enough motivation to expand to the edge of the comfort zone.

With inspired programs and recognition to creative SME’s, things are about to change.

Dynamic consumer education, brand development and exceptional marketing strategies are not a luxury to any business, but an asset and will be the fuel to battle mediocrity and excel into an innovative business environment that will lead rather than to follow or try copying.

The question mainly remain to lot of business in South Africa, is whether dynamic consumer education, brand development and exceptional marketing strategies can be cost effective due to a lot of previous experiences in overpriced marketing and branding companies with limited packages, not tailor-made for the specific needs of the business and that just can’t meet measurable growth according to value and not being equivalent to price.

Ironic that marketing and branding companies with this approach can also kill creativity!

The ANSWER to this question lies in the engagement with people or companies that are able to ‘eat out of your plate’, being able to LISTEN to your needs and live your creative passion with their complementing creative concepts, adapting to your preference and will be able to execute your needs with the same passion you have for your product or service, so that you can focus on your creativity to establish growth in your business and ultimately the economic environment.

South Africa is explosive with culture, creativity, passion and hardworking people with exceptional craft. The key is to transform this creative passion into business models that will grow our economy and to uplift economic development.

Creativity can only rise from the ashes if these ideas are marketed and guided by those who understand the internal- and external client, have the corporate and education background to focus on turnover, understanding the bottom-line and execute passion to support your creativity that is about to be transformed into business.

Explore the possibility of growth, be part of the battle against mediocrity and let us live creativity without borders, being forever inspired with the attitude to change South Africa in the economic inspiration of the world.