The measurement of brand awareness and impact can be a very difficult exercise. Companies are looking for one-time solutions or standarised tools based on specific brand activations to apply and transform the data in a glossy and colorful report that does not really bring movement or direct answers to the next impact desired.

The secret behind measurement lies in the type of data researched. The value of this data relies on the type of circumstances it has been generated from. The truth of the data depends on the emotional status of those when data was collected or researched. Influential indicators based on time, emotion and impact that can not be build into a generic tool to measure desired brand awareness.

Although the essence of more correct data analysis rely on the build of BIG data, the strategy needs to be clear on what type of small data categories need to be captured in order to build the BIG data.

I am convinced that in order to understand the pressures, motivations and desires of any business or individual to make decisions after experiencing brand activation the following basis must apply to all research methods.

data research

If your research methods are based on these three simple directions in the way your data is captured, you will get real data to analyse and report. Real data is what you need when strategising your next brand activation or marketing strategy alignment.

You now need to gear yourself with a clear set of diverse methods, tools and approaches to gather this data. At the end, you need to conceptualise your research method, collecting data that is based on the specific brand activation that is going to take place. Keep in mind all the factors and marketing tools that are applied to the brand activation and read your audience to extract from that real conversations.

Forever Friday make use of the following framework of research ‘gears’ when conceptualising a tailor-made research method for specific brand/marketing activation.

brand impact research methods


Concept is everything when you design your research method. It is important that those you extract your data from see it as a brand experience rather than your marketing exercise. Business and people move fast, read quickly and concentrate less on advertising. Create an ambience and a creative experience to get that data. Make it personal and conversational. Your research concept will boost your brand awareness and that is when your marketing will get cost-effective and move forward with innovation.

Forever Friday spend an extreme amount of time and effort in the discovery, concept and nurture process of market, brand or strategy research in order to grow our clients into forests of success.

forever friday


GEAR yourself with the right tools, get that real data, run with ‘R’ and grow your brand or marketing strategy with true statistics.

Statistics that stretches beyond the glossy cover and colored line graphic – growing into a forest of success.