I have read so many opinions written by different company employees about their interpretation about leadership, performance, company culture and was even more horrified by opinions of employees on breakfast radio shows where responses were given on work related humorized topics.

It is clear that the internal client has either no belief in the company values, or are not educated by it. The irony is that the company values is the core guideline and energy source to the brands performance.

If the internal client does not act, perform or deliver a service according to the company values, there are no fundamental identity to follow.

The logo, font, colour, radio ad or TV commercial and catchy tagline just donā€™t cut it anymore. It is the brand experience that build trust, grow relationships and establish identity.

Values is not a set of rules that need to memorized or filed as part of the code of conduct. The internal client need to understand that it is the breathing mechanism of the company.

It has a rhythm, a beat and require continuity that become a culture or company lifestyle.

Building your brand identity efficiently is a way more cost effective exercise than a big billboard or new fancy corporate clothing if you start at the core being the company values.

It start in the way all role players talk, operate, motivate, encourage, conceptualize and execute their daily task.


  • Rethink the way a normal work day start.
  • Find a rhythm that will educate the brand values.
  • Reward discipline.
  • Build a stable and trusted brand identity that will cut through the noise.



Jay Shetty writes in his best seller ā€œThink like a Monkā€ that when we tune out the opinions, expectations and obligations of the world around us, we begin to hear ourselves.

This is key to a healthy company culture. If you want to cut through the noise in the market place it is important to communicate with your own authentic brand message.

Go back to the values that state your identity and formulate key words or concepts.

Use these words or concepts in your brand language and incorporate them consistent and strong in all ways of communication, internally and externally.


Your internal (and external) client will soon enough understand your identity (based on your values) and relate or identify your brand with that word or concept when heard in office or anywhere.

The marketā€™s need to your type of service or performance will be undoubtable and translate into sales, loyalty or established customer relationships.


Forever inspired!


JJ van Niekerk

Creative Director: Forever Friday